[idvusers] bundles and modifying "Times"

Hi, I thought I would ping the list here for my first time.  I have been a 
fairly avid IDV user over the past year and find the software very beneficial 
for a wide variety of projects and even operational situations.  I utilize 
bundles sometimes, but I find myself loading directly from the Field Selector 
more times than not.

My one complaint about bundles is the lack of an option to modify the "Times" 
that each bundle has tied to them when they are created.  Is there a way to 
enhance the bundle loading such that the <property name="Times"> XML tag can be 
modified "on the fly"?  

I have explored IDV Scripting Language and it seems the "times=" attribute of 
the <bundle> tag does not work properly.  The "times=" attribute does not seem 
to override the times specified by <property name="Times> in the actual XML 
bundle itself.  

Don or anyone else have any ideas on this matter?  Thanks!!

Mike Umscheid

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