Hi Mike-
On 3/22/11 3:03 PM, Mike.Umscheid@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I'm in the process of writing some ISL files, and I'm fairly new to
this so please forgive me. In creating a data source with
the<datasource> tag, is there an attribute to subset the spatial
domain? I see the 'times' attribute, but it would be nice to be able
to subset the spatial domain, too. I guess I could use jython method
to do the loading of a datasource with spatial subsetting, but I like
the ease of ISL language and was wondering if spatial subsetting was
an option in ISL or if I'm just stuck with jython to do this?
There isn't, but it could be easily added by the IDV developers.
Here's something that should work. On your IDV invocation where you
pass in the isl file, add the following:
latul - upper left latitude
lonul = upper left longitude
latlr - lower right latitude
lonlr = lower right longitude
for example:
runIDV -Didv.data.geosubset.bbox=40,-113,20,-95 foo.isl
That sets the default bounding box for all data sources in that
invocation. In theory, that should work. ;-) Let me know if it doesn't.
Don Murray