On 4/6/2011 6:40 PM, Rich Signell wrote:
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:25 PM, John Caron<caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2) that dataset has an ensemble dimension that IDV/CDM doesnt recognize.
the main problem is that the CDM doesnt currently parse the "GRaDS"
conventions, which doesnt seem to be published. theres probably an NcML
workaround in case that helps.
I tried removing the "ens" dimension in NcML
<variable name="no4lftxsfc" shape="ens time lat lon" type="float">
<attribute name="_CoordinateAxes" value="ens time lat lon " />
<attribute name="_FillValue" type="float" value="9.999E20" />
<attribute name="missing_value" type="float" value="9.999E20" />
<attribute name="long_name" value="** surface best (4 layer)
lifted index [k] " />
<variable name="no4lftxsfc" shape="time lat lon" type="float">
<attribute name="_CoordinateAxes" value="time lat lon " />
<attribute name="_FillValue" type="float" value="9.999E20" />
<attribute name="missing_value" type="float" value="9.999E20" />
<attribute name="long_name" value="** surface best (4 layer)
lifted index [k] " />
and although that allows them to appear as "Grid" variables in the
ToolsUI "feature" tab, when you try to plot I get:
GridRender.makeHSlice Error reading netcdf file= java.io.IOException: Number of
ranges in section (3) must be = 4
yup. you cant mess with dimensions like that in NcML.
On 4/6/2011 2:50 PM, Kevin R. Tyle wrote:
Hi all,
Any idea why IDV does not recognize GFS Ensemble files from
nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gens as grid files?
For any of the catalog items listed when I browse this directory, I get an
error of the form (e.g. perturbation run # 20 from 12Z run today):
There was an error loading the data:
Error creating data source:dods.grid with:
Grid data source failed making data set:
/gens/gens20110406/gep20_12z is not an available dataset
The specific exception is:
opendap.dap.DAP2Exception: /gens/gens20110406/gep_all_12z is not an
available dataset
Other models (e.g. GFS) load fine from this NOMADS server.
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric& Environmental Sciences ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235 518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue 518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222 **********************
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