Re: [idvusers] 2 Questions: Creating default settings and using Time Animation to view .nc radar files

On 5/17/2011 10:07 AM, Mike VandenBerg wrote:

First-time poster here, and new to IDV. I'm currently working on a project that 
involves using IDV to read in .nc radar data files to manually track the motion 
of individual storm cells for a convective event. Optimally, I would like to be 
able to display all of my files using the same Field Selector and Display 
settings, but am having trouble figuring out how to do this (right now, after 
adding the files as sources, I manually have to change the settings of each 
image individually, which is becoming a pain). I know that creating default 
settings is likely very trivial, but I haven't had any luck finding the 
solution. Any tips on how I would go about doing this would be greatly 

Also, I would like to be able to view all of these files in sequential order 
using the Time Animation widget (the files contain radar data at 15-minute 
intervals), but cannot find the option to do this. Does the Time Animation 
widget only work for specific file types?

Thank you for your patience and for any information.

- Michael

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Hi Michael,
I would like to see the sample file, can you upload a couple nc file here?


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