Hi there,
I am trying to get synoptic data using the IDV Data Chooser tab. I chose
Observations --> Point on the left hand side, select Synoptic Data as
Data Type at the top and connect to adde.ucar.edu. In the Relative Times
tab, I get a choice from Most Recent to 50 Most Recent. However, the
time period I am interested in is about 3 month ago and is not covered
by the 50 Most Recent.
I therefore tried to use the Absolute Times tab but it seems to give me
only the most 5 recent sondes. After setting the absolute time (e.g.
1-30 May) in the Properties window a black box is drawn in the time
window but no available sonde data are displayed which I would be able
to select.
I am not sure whether I am missing something here, but I tried for ages
and did not manage to get any data older than the '50 most recent'. I
hope I am making my problem clear enough. If not, let me know. Any help
is much appreciated.
Best wishes,
Sebastian Engelstaedter
School of Geography and the Environment
Oxford University Centre for the Environment
University of Oxford
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK
phone +44 1865 275867
fax +44 1865 275885