The problem is that for grib2 data, the pressure levels are in Pascals,
so you need to use 50000 and 10000.
GEMPAK always stores levels to hPa - the benefit of having a known
vocabulary, but then again, you have to convert to GEMPAK format. ;-)
On 2/3/12 9:52 AM, Kevin R. Tyle wrote:
Hi all,
I set up a formula in IDV to plot thermal wind vectors, a la:
<derived description="thermal wind in a layer"
[default=1000])" id="thermalWind" isdefault="false" isenduser="true">
Whenever I do this on a GRIB2 format grid file, e.g. realtime NAM or GFS
from the motherlode or atm-nsf opendap servers, I end up with all
missing data when I load in the formula, specify my levels, and choose
the 3D geopotential height from the GRIB2 file.
If I do the same on the same model data that has been converted to
GEMPAK, and also with the sample model data used in the IDV Workshop
(which I believe is GRIB1), the thermal wind vectors plot fine.
I suspect there is some issue specifically related to GRIB2 format here ...
Thanks for looking into this!
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences
University at Albany
Earth Science 235, 1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
Email: ktyle@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 518-442-4578
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