OK. I get it, except for one thing...
What do I use for the file attribute in the setfiles line?
(<setfiles datasource=".*" file="/data/image${imageIdx}.dat"/>)
In my .xidv bundle I load 10 satellite images stored as 10 McIDAS Area Files
in, let's call it, ${mydatadirectory}. Do I loop through those 10 data files
as part of the setfiles directive? In ${mydatadirectory} the 10 McIDAS Area
Files are named something like:
Or have I completely misinterpreted your ISL script?
BTW, thanks for your help!
-- d
On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:27 PM, Jeff McWhirter wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Question from a naïve user:
> I have a data set containing 10 satellite images, all the same projection
> with a one hour time interval from one image to the next. I want to capture
> a png image file of each image in the set and use ISL to do so. I have
> figured out how to use ISL to capture the first image, but I can't figure out
> how to step through the data set to capture the other 9 images. I'm sure
> it's something simple, but I haven't figured out the secret Google search
> string to use to find the answer. Any suggestions?
> isl has a foreach construct (see attached) that allows you to loop through a
> set of values. You can load in a pre-defined bundle and override the data it
> uses.
> I haven't tested the attached isl but something like it should work.
> -Jeff
> <test.isl>