Hi Dave-
There's no easy way to do this. Basically, you'd have to regrid each
image to +/- 105 (or whatever line you'd want to use) and then display
each half. There's no easy way to create the regridded images though,
but it probably could be done through jython.
McIDAS-X has facilities for doing this kind of image processing. I
don't think it's been migrated to McIDAS-V (which is built on top of the
On 6/19/12 11:44 AM, Dave Linder wrote:
I am creating satellite images over the continental U.S. using a
combination of GOES-15 (west) and GOES-13 (east) data. I want to be
able to specify where the data sets are merged in the image (for
instance, let's say I want to merge the GOES-East and GOES-West data
along 105ºW). Is there a way to do this? I'm using McIDAS Area Files
from the CLASS database.
As always, thanks in advance!
-- Dave Linder _______________________________________________
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