Hi Dave- On 6/19/12 11:44 AM, Dave Linder wrote:
Folks, I am creating satellite images over the continental U.S. using a combination of GOES-15 (west) and GOES-13 (east) data. I want to be able to specify where the data sets are merged in the image (for instance, let's say I want to merge the GOES-East and GOES-West data along 105ºW). Is there a way to do this? I'm using McIDAS Area Files from the CLASS database. As always, thanks in advance!
Here's a Jython script that will allow you to resample the image to a new domain:
def makeNewImage(image,west,east,north,south,resolution): import visad.RealTupleType.LatitudeLongitudeTuple as llt numlons = int(abs((west-east)/resolution)) numlats = int((north-south)/resolution) newDomain = makeDomain(llt,south,north,numlats,west,east,numlons) print newDomain return GridUtil.resampleGrid(image,newDomain,100)(the 100 in the last line is a nearest neighbor resampling - omit if you want weighted average).
You could invoke it as: makeNewImage(image,-105,-65,70,10,.1)on a GOES-East image to resample it to -105,-65 and 10 to 70N at .1 degree resolution. Just pass in appropriate values for GOES-W. If you display them together, you can see the splice. Resulting display of GOES-E is attached.
McIDAS will do a better job, but this is a quick and dirty way. Not sure if that helps, but it was a fun exercise for me. ;-) Don -- Don Murray NOAA/ESRL/PSD and CIRES 303-497-3596 http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/people/don.murray/
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