[idvusers] 20130104: PASI short course on atmospheric processes in Latin America/Caribbean

The following is being forwarded as a community service:

PASI short course on atmospheric processes in Latin America/Caribbean

Applications are invited from early career scientists to participate in
a two-week short course on atmospheric processes of Latin America and
the Caribbean, to be held in Cartagena, Colombia, from 27 May to 7 June
2013. This course will provide a comprehensive summary of the state of
knowledge of the key processes that are important to the region. Topics
will include global teleconnections, regional monsoon systems, regional
sources of moisture and its transport, hurricanes, ocean-air interactions,
and small-scale convection. The course will have five distinct elements:
lectures, computer labs, both group and small-group discussions, a group
writing project, and a research colloquium.

We are expecting to accept up to 30 participants, half from the United
States and half from the other countries in the Americas and the
Caribbean, chosen in a manner that ensures a highly qualified and diverse
set of attendees. NSF-sponsored stipends are available for participants
to help cover partial travel and subsistence. Support from a participant's
home institution is welcome and encouraged.

For detailed information, please refer to the COSMIC Program Office
PASI 2013 Web Site:

Application deadline: 15 February 2013

Administrative contact:

Dawn Williams

Science contact:

John Braun

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