Hi Julien,
Why I'm doing this is ultimately to speed up IDV by writing out to file
some derived fields, such as Isentropic Potential Vorticity, which take a
long time to calculate each time they are loaded. It would be nice to have
these fields in the same Netcdf rather than separate files for each field
(which is what happens using the 'exportGridToNetcdf' method).
On 13 April 2013 08:09, Julien Chastang <chastang@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Paul,
> Rooting around GridUtil (https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/**
> software/metapps/docs/javadoc/**ucar/unidata/data/grid/**GridUtil.html<https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/metapps/docs/javadoc/ucar/unidata/data/grid/GridUtil.html>),
> I don't see any obvious function for appending or concatenating two grids
> together. Plus, what does it mean to have multiple grids written to one
> netCDF file? I suspect you have to do it this the hard way by building a
> new FieldImpl with the grids in question and how you want them organized.
> Someone may know better than me. :-)
> Best,
> Unidata IDV Support
> On 4/12/13 1:58 AM, Paul Graham wrote:
>> Hi IDV'ers,
>> I'm using the 'exportGridToNetcdf' method to write a grid to a Netcdf
>> file,
>> eg.
>> exportGridToNetcdf(outField, "out.nc")
>> but I have more than one grid I want to write to the file. Is there a way
>> I can use this method or is there another method I can use? For example,
>> can I append to a Netcdf file?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Paul
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