Hi Tom,
I'm using the file in the ARPS model, and it expects the AREA file to
have GVAR navigation.
When I run a.getNavigation() on the GINIEAST images, they show
navigation as being TANC, and the files fail in ARPS. However, the
images in the RTIMAGES stream show a.getNavigation() as being GVAR,
and these files work. Would it be possible to get the GINIEAST images
into the same navigation / etc (not real familiar with satellite file
terminology) as the files in the RTIMAGES stream?
Best Regards,
Robert Dewey
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Tom Whittaker <whittaker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Robert --
> I'm not sure what your issue is with the navigation. I did the two steps:
> a = af("adde://adde.ucar.edu/imagedata?&PORT=112&COMPRESS
> =gzip&USER=idv&PROJ=0&VERSION=1&DEBUG=false&TRACE
> E=2560 2560&PLACE=CENTER&SIZE=854 854&UNIT=BRIT&M
> a.save("/temp/test.area",0)
> I then went back to the file chooser and read this file in as a McIDAS AREA
> file
> and it displayed just fine....
> What am I missing?
> tom
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 8:45 AM, Robert Dewey <robert.d.dewey@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Finally got around to implementing this, and apparently the data has
>> to be in the GVAR navigation format. The images in the RTIMAGES stream
>> work, but I would prefer the GINIEAST stuff which has a higher
>> resolution (for visible) and is updated more frequently. Is there a
>> way to convert from TANC to GVAR? Or is there another stream that
>> provides the GVAR data at higher spatial / temporal resolution?
>> I was reading in a previous email in the Unidata archive that this
>> could be done in McIDAS, but I don't have access to that. Is there a
>> method / function available in the IDV (via Jython) that would do
>> this?
>> Best Regards,
>> Robert Dewey
> --
> Tom Whittaker
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
> Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
> 1225 W. Dayton Street
> Madison, WI 53706 USA
> ph: +1 608 262 2759