Poor font quality is an often repeated complaint from potential and current
McIDAS-V users as well. Publication Quality Graphics remains a priority for
many McIDAS-V users, especially since they expect to use McIDAS-V images in
conference presentations and journal articles.
On Feb 11, 2014, at 10:06 AM, Larry D. Oolman wrote:
> On 02/11/14 08:01, Don Murray wrote:
>> Hi Paul-
>> On 2/10/14 3:41 PM, Paul Graham wrote:
>>> Is it possible to improve the font quality in IDV, or are there any plans
>>> afoot by the development team to do so?
>> The font quality varies from platform to platform. I find that I get better
>> quality on Windows than I do with Mac. But
>> both suffer from the effects you see. Text using fonts gets turned into a
>> series of triangles, filling the outline of
>> the letter edges. I find Century Gothic works pretty well, but still not
>> great. The Hershey fonts use lines only, but
>> you see the lines when the text gets big.
>>> It appears IDV does not handle scalable fonts, so often text appears
>>> pixelated, jagged or with artefacts, especially when rescaled.
>> A possible solution would be to use the Java 3D Text3D objects. That would
>> require some significant development to add
>> it to VisAD first, and then access that in the IDV. I'm not aware of
>> anybody who is interested in doing that, although
>> it would go a ways towards Unidata's goal of "publication quality graphics"
>> for the IDV.
>> Don
> I would vote that improving the fonts should be a high priority.
> It is one of the major reasons that I see resistance from switching from
> --
> Larry Oolman
> Department of Atmospheric Science
> University of Wyoming
> Dept. 3038, 1000 E. University Ave.
> Laramie, WY 82071
> ldoolman@xxxxxxxx
> http://www.uwyo.edu/atsc
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