This can be done with an isl script that: runs a bundle, saves an image,
uses the overlay tag to format and place the time of the data.
Good luck,
Bill Fingerhut
On 2/20/2014 2:08 PM, Chris Herbster wrote:
Hi folks!
We have a sequence of images that we are trying to prepare for
publication using the IDV. We have modified the display list to only
display the current time of the image (using %timestamp% with our own
format applied). Now what we want to do is to move the location of
the text to the upper right quadrant of the image where it doesn't
compete with weather that moves into the lower part of the image where
the default layout is located.
I don't see any user controlled elements that suggest I can move the
location of the text, but we are willing to tweak code to get that
done if it is the best solution.
Alternatively, is there a way to have dynamic text in a "Drawing
Control" or other text box type of object?
I looked a little at the ISL pages, but didn't see anything that
screamed "This is the way!" - I'm overdue for learning how to do some
of these things, so I'm all ears!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Best to all,
Chris Herbster
The Fingerhuts
Saint Johnsbury, Vt, 05819
email: fingerhuts3@xxxxxxxxx