Hello Enrique.
Maybe the server was just down temporarily?
I have some aggregations for these NCEP reanalysis data sets that might
interest you.
It puts all the variables into one (virtual) file, instead of having one file
per variable.
I can't tell if you are looking for monthly, daily, or 6-hourly. But I have all
of them here.
You can view it as a Catalog in the Data Choosers tab.
On Feb 25, 2014, at 12:21 PM, Enrique Montón Chiva wrote:
Hi, co-users of IDV. I am using IDV to read data base from ESRL-NOAA
but I have problems with height potential data. IDV tries to read data and
it's active but the view never is gotten.
Has anyone had the same problem? Any suggestion for solving it?
Thanks in advance
Lab of Climate
Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain
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Brian Mapes
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