Re: [idvusers] observation file does not open in IDV

Dear John Caron,

apologies for the late reply and thanks for your answer.

> The short answer is that you need to use CF Conventions, see Section
> 9 and Appendix H:

I did go through those, but I cannot find specific information on what
could be wrong with my file.  The original file that works is
identical as far as attributes, variables and dimensions are
concerned.  The difference is in the record axis - as soon as it is
made fixed-length, the file won't load anymore.  Changing the name of
the time axis from "obs_time" to "time" also breaks the file.

H.1 claims that the record axis may optionally be the record axis, so
that should be ok in theory.  Do you notice anything else in the file I
uploaded that does not adhere to the conventions?

I've tried the following to stick with the conventions, following example H.1.:

- explicitly adding the global featureType attribute (point)
- removing variables that have multiple dimensions so that all
  variables are of the same feature type
- added coordinates attribute
- added standard_names

I've uploaded 2 new minimal example files with these changes.  The
first one works (type: netcdf/Gempak point data files).  The second
one doesn't.  I still have to manually select the file type in IDV.                   # OK                 # broken

As far as I can tell the only significant difference is the encoding
(float or short) and the record axis (fixed or flexible).  Any further
tips are much appreciated.

Kind regards,


Dr. Hein Zelle
Senior consultant meteorology & oceanography

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