Is the subtext that tds 4.4 is to be avoided?
On Friday, March 28, 2014, Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Greetings!
> The TDS server has been updated to version 4.5. Part of
> the move is related to security concerns raised over the past month, and
> part is due to the unreliability of GRIB collections to update properly in
> the old version (4.3.21). There are also several improvements and bugfixes
> in 4.5.
> For the IDV, this update will mostly improve access to GRIB data served
> from Unidata (no more "permission denied" issues, no more stale files,
> etc.).
> Bundles
> =======
> Bundles that use should not be impacted, as the urls to
> the latest and best time series files/collections are the same. None of the
> variable names should have changed, unless it is due to an updated GRIB-1/2
> table.
> Browsing
> =========================
> You may notice a few differences in the way data are displayed. Some of
> them are temporary (such as datasets being listed from oldest to newest -
> this will be reversed asap), while others not. For example, there is a new
> dataset listed under GRIB collections called "Full Collection (Reference /
> Forecast Time) Dataset". This dataset contains two time coordinates, and
> allows for slicing and dicing similar to the "constant forecast offset" and
> "constant forecast hour" from the older, deprecated FMRCs. Currently, the
> IDV cannot take advantage of these collections, but we hope to enable them
> in the near future.
> If you have any questions, or run into any bugs, please contact
> support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or
> Cheers!
> Sean
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Dr. Richard P. Signell (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598