Re: [idvusers] [thredds] Update - Changes to

I am not a frequent IDV user but the basic rule of being a sys admin or 
developer is to not make changes on a Friday afternoon unless you are staffed 
24/7.  I am a just a met guy and a somewhat annoying presence to Unidata but 
that has been my experience over the years as a pretend sys admin and developer.

In other words, test it thoroughly, and don't release on a Friday unless there 
is a lot of backup support..

Hang in there,
Robert Mullenax

> On Apr 2, 2014, at 7:38 PM, "John Caron" <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all:
> The rollout on friday hit a few snags, compounded by me being sick so I 
> couldnt respond quickly. "Bundles broke" because there was a file leak that 
> brought the whole server down. Also there was a problem with the way the new 
> GRIB indexer handled GRIB1 timeType=10. Those problems have been fixed now.
> You might think "why dont we just wait?" The problem is that the TDS 4.3 
> server is not getting updated as the data changes. We made a decision 2 weeks 
> ago that it wasnt worth fixing, since the problem is fixed in 4.5. So its in 
> all of our interests to get 4.5 onto, as soon as possible .
> You might think "Why didnt we find these problems before releasing?" Because 
> we dont have a separate test team, like commercial software release cycle 
> does. We constantly improve our testing, but plenty gets past us. We rely on 
> the users to find the last set of bugs. And its all but impossible to get 
> users to try beta software. Fact of life.
> The variable names have not changed. The bundles will still work. We are 
> fixing the ones that Darryl discovered had changed.
> The ncss service changed its service endpoint. Users reading the catalog or 
> using the html form will pick that up transparently. If you have it hardcoded 
> in a script, then you need to change it. If its operational, you have to do 
> it immediately after we switch. Just remove the /grid/ part of your URL. The 
> IDV doesnt use the ncss service.  If theres an actual script user who is 
> using the ncss service, who cant make changes in a timely manner, let us know 
> and we will work with you. We dont need to imagine possible scenarios that 
> may not exist.
> Right now, we know there's a problem with the radar server, which we will 
> have fixed by tommorrow. Otherwise, try your bundles against 
> Give it a try, report the problems, we will 
> get them fixed. When they are fixed, we will make the switch. But please dont 
> wait a week, do them this week.
> Theres typically a long tail of problems that get fixed over time. If you 
> cant get to it, ok, let us know when you find them and we will fix the 
> problem then. The IDV could make a contribution here by allowing users to 
> easily update the URLS in their bundles. The NCEP models are constantly 
> changing, not to mention the GRIB tables themselves. The idea that URLS can 
> never change is not a real possibility. Just a fact of life.
> We arent releasing 4.5 yet for others to use. We are shaking it out against 
> the live server. We dont really have any better options. We 
> are working really hard to make this work. I would personally appreciate any 
> help you can give.
> Thanks,
> John
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