So the relevant time zone setting lives in main.xml; Eastern time looks
like the following:
<method name="put">
I created a copy of the main.xml file with the additional time zone
setting embedded called edtestmain.xml. According to sections 5.2.1 and
7.4 of the user guide, I should be able to run IDV with custom settings
from a file from the command line using the -properties arguement. When
I try to run the following:
runIDV.bat -properties Z:\gyx\edtestmain.xml Z:\gyx\gyxRadarloop.isl
the images still come out with GMT instead of EDT, no errors. Does
anyone have a recommendation to make this work as intended?
Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
Hi Brendon-
The timezone is a global setting for the IDV by design. It's like
setting the timezone for you OS - it applies to everything you run.
However, if you just want to use it for labelling through isl, that
might be possible because a label could be formated with a particular
timezone passed in. It would not apply to the default display list
labels, but you could add your own labels that could be formatted
appropriately. That would require some coding, but, I agree it would be
a useful feature.
On 4/30/14 7:05 AM, Brendon Hoch wrote:
Is there a way to specify the time zone to be used in an individual
bundle, without changing user preferences? Can this be done via an ISL
script with some sort of <property> or <idvproperty> tag? We would like
to auto-generate maps with timestamps from multiple timezones (UTC,
EST/EDT, etc), but the only way we can find to do this is to change user
preferences. This would mean we would have to setup an individual
account for each timezone to run the bundles we wish to display, which
gets gangly. Looked in the ISL documentation for ways to set the
timezone but couldn't find anything specific.
Brendon Hoch
Technology Manager
Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute
MSC 48, Boyd Hall 321A
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603)535-2818 Fax: (603)535-2723
idvusers mailing list
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Brendon Hoch
Technology Manager
Judd Gregg Meteorology Institute
MSC 48, Boyd Hall 321A
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264
(603)535-2818 Fax: (603)535-2723