On Oct 2, 2014, at 2:50 PM, David Ahijevych
<ahijevyc@xxxxxxxx<mailto:ahijevyc@xxxxxxxx>> wrote:
In reference to your 3:03PM email about loading the Default Background Maps
as Data Source, that is what I thought I did, but nothing loaded.
Julien et al.,
This worked for me with county boundaries (with topographic data consisting of
the geopotential height of the ocean or ground surface in a 40 km NAM model
However, once the map boundaries were plotted on the topography, I couldn’t
control the line widths—they were stuck on the narrowest width (presumably 1
pt.). Specifying other widths in the “Point Size” text box of the “3D Map -
Topography” control window (and pressing the Return key) had no effect. (I can
change the line color, though.)
Also, if I add a color-shaded or color-filled contour plot of topography, then
the colors compete with the map boundaries also plotted on the topography, so
that the map boundaries aren’t always visible. (Selecting "View > Bring to the
Front” in the 3D Map -Topography control window doesn’t do anything in this
context. Increasing the transparency of the topographic color-fill or
color-shaded plot helps, but of course makes the topography less visible.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is something buried in the Vis5D code and isn’t
accessible to IDV developers.
— Dave
* Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair | ^ ___ \|/ *
* Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences | ) ^ /||_||\ —-0—- *
* San Francisco State University | ) ) / ||_|| \ /|\ *
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