In the short-term, please start the the IDV without ISL or Jython. You
will then be presented with a dialog informing you about the new version.
One of the options is "don't show me this message again". In the
longer-term, I will implement the command-line option you suggest,
hopefully today.
Unidata IDV Support
On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Paul Graham <meteorpaul@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi IDV'ers,
> I am running an IDV Jython script from the command line, using runIDV
> -islfile myscript.jy. In the script, I have the line "setOffScreen(1)"
> which is supposed to ensure that IDV's GUI components are not activated.
> However, surprisingly I still get a pop-up reminding me that there is a new
> version of IDV to download, which has the effect of stalling the running of
> the script until I click 'ok'. Is there any way to completely block all
> GUI components while running from the command line?
> Thanks,
> Paul
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Julien Chastang
Scientific Software Developer