Hi Matthew
The xidv format is just an xml encoding of the Java objects that make up
the state of the application. Somewhere in the xml will be a list of
DisplayControl objects. The list determines their display order
You can edit the xml but it's probably not really recommended. Rather, you
can always load the IDV interactively with the bundle, tweak it, then save
it off
If you want to do this programmatically then it's probably best to use ISL
On Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Matthew Niznik <mniznik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to determine how the .xidv file determines which displays to
> make visible when a bundle is first loaded. Ultimately, I would like to
> edit an .xidv file to change what is initially displayed for the purpose of
> image/movie output.
> --
> Matthew Niznik
> Post Doctoral Associate
> RSMAS, University of Miami
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