Re: [idvusers] Running IDV headlessly (Mac OS X)

Just to make it clear, xvfb is still being used:

> On 20150918, at 3:09 PM, Julien Chastang <chastang@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> All,
> We use docker for this sort of thing now. For example, see
> This is the output of our nightly IDV "headless" testing, running in
> the cloud using docker,
> Here is how you can do this with Docker.
> 1. Install Docker. Better yet, use a system that has docker already. I
> think docker comes "out of the box" on Linux these days. It is also
> available on VMs from cloud providers if you have access to those
> resources.
> 2. docker run -v ~/foobar/:/home/idv/scratch -p 5901:5901 -it
> unidata/idv-gui ./scratch/
> The foobar directory is on your host system (which is mounted to
> /home/idv/scratch in the container). It should contain these 3 example
> files
> batch.xidv is a regular/vanilla idv bundle
> foo.isl and should be scrutinized, but will run as is.
> Running the docker container above should generate a test.png file w/
> global GFS data.
> It is worth looking at the Dockerfiles (and ancillary) files as they
> "codify" the process of running the IDV in headless mode. Even if  you
> don't want to use docker, there are a lot if hints therein
> My colleague Ward Fisher at Unidata figured out the IDV running
> headless in a Docker container so thanks to him.
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 12:01 PM, Juan Figueroa
> <juanfigueroa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi David, i think i have you want im using isl script but with shell script
>> programs (scripts) to run via crontab to generate satellite imagery see
>> what i say in: but all "magic" to generate that is a
>> combination of linux scripts and McIDAS-V, brother software  of IDV.
>> For more information about that: (In spanish, sorry)
>> 2015-09-18 17:13 GMT+00:00 David P Dempsey <dempsey@xxxxxxxx>:
>>> IDV Users,
>>> If anyone is running the IDV “headlessly” to generate images (for a Web
>>> server, for example), I’d like to pick your brain!
>>> I’m trying to run IDV v5.2 under Mac OS X v.10.8 (Snow Leopard) to
>>> generate GIF images for a Web server. In particular, I’m trying to use my
>>> server’s LDM to run the IDV automatically when the LDM receives certain
>>> weather data via the IDD. As I understand it, this process occurs
>>> “headlessly”--that is, without requiring or using a local interface
>>> (keyboard, monitor, or mouse, though my server has all three).
>>> My IDV bundle, which is executed through an ISL (IDV scripting language)
>>> script via the IDV installation’s runIDV script, works fine when I execute
>>> it on my server manually  (that is, using the server’s keyboard and a
>>> Terminal window directly).
>>> However, when the the LDM triggers the same command when it receives
>>> certain weather data via the IDD, the job fails with a
>>> java.awt.HeadlessException message. The same thing happens when I log onto
>>> the server remotely using ssh and try to run the same job (below).
>>> My server had been running Java v.7 but I upgraded to Java v.8—the results
>>> are the same; it runs X11 (XQuartz v.2.7.7) continuously; and it is
>>> continuously logged onto the account that runs the LDM and IDV. I have X11
>>> Forwarding enabled.
>>> Some messages from the IDV when I try to execute my GIF-generating bundle
>>> (RadarSummary.xidv) and ISL script when logged onto my server remotely
>>> using ssh:
>>> Fri Sep 18 09:54:41 PDT 2015: Loading bundle: RadarSummary.xidv
>>> 3D [dev] 1.6.0-pre9-daily-experimental daily
>>> ERROR: Error loading bundle: RadarSummary.xidv
>>> java.awt.HeadlessException
>>> java.awt.HeadlessException
>>> at<clinit>(
>>> at<clinit>(
>>> at visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D.initialize(
>>> at visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D.<init>(
>>> at visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D.<init>(
>>> etc.
>>> Am I going to have to install and run a virtual frame bugger like Xvfb?
>>> Any insight or suggestions that I can get will be welcome—I’ve come up
>>> empty in my attempts to forage among online forums, and the last reference
>>> to running the IDV headlessly was in 2010, for Linux systems.
>>> — Dave
>>> ***************************************************************
>>> * Dr. Dave Dempsey, Chair           |       ^    ___    \|/   *
>>> * Dept. of Earth & Climate Sciences |  )   ^   /||_||\ —-0—-  *
>>> * San Francisco State University    | )  )    / ||_|| \ /|\   *
>>> * 1600 Holloway Ave.                |  )  )  /  ||_||  \      *
>>> * San Francisco, CA   94132         |  )  ) /   ||_||   \  ^  *
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>>> * Phone:  (415) 338-7716            |  )  )  )~~||~||~~~~~\~~ *
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>> --
>> *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - -*
>> * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - **Juan José Amides
>> Figueroa Urbano*
>> *Técnico Meteorólogo*
>> *Servicio Meteorológico Nacional*
>> *Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de El Salvador.*
>> *jn 3:16*
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> -- 
> Julien Chastang
> Scientific Software Developer
> Unidata-UCAR
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