Hi Teddy, does your selection have a specific pattern like say, i want all July
samples from all the years of the time series?
> On Feb 14, 2016, at 1:03 PM, Teddy Allen <teddyallen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear IDV masters,I am trying to make a composite of a certain field from
> about 300 specific times. I know that I can manually select time from
> highlighting the dates i need in the Field Selector (times tab) pull down
> menu. However, since my dates are irregularly spaced, I want to avoid
> clicking on 300 individual times. Is there a way in IDV to select specific
> times that are not evenly spaced without manually selecting each date?
> I look forward to your insights that usually appear obvious to me...once you
> point them out!Thank you,teddy
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.teddyallen.com&d=CwIGaQ&c=y2w-uYmhgFWijp_IQN0DhA&r=s94y0ZeM3aomeq1VV_v6ALQr8uQpfKoyP1hCNC6N3gQ&m=pIYaRWcXjraCTPfBmMkn7JpR0zhaDgqbU8N6zDjDIHk&s=Z7ts65n0XdP8982iemtiZi4S8AY95CvphQ1HWTg_l6I&e=
> "To move quickly, go alone. To move far, go together." African Proverb
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