I've noticed several sources of HRRR model data for subsetting and
generating display (custom 2D grids) in IDV. Can the IDV community
suggest alternative servers or alternative solutions?
1) From thredds Unidata: www.unidata.ucar.edu/georesources/idvcatalog.xml
NCEP HRRR v2 - Has the 2D fields I need except surface heat flux and
latent heat flux. The NOMADS Grads server is showing these two fields
(among others) that I need. Can Unidata ad these fields? No 3D native
level data.
GSD HRRR (I assume it's V3) - When selecting 2D fields, I get a strange
collections of grid times. Ex: Sat the model run time is 1400Z. It shows
1401, 1402... 1418, then 1415, 1430, 1445 ... to end model forecasts.
This is causing problems during IDV display generation.
2) From thredds esrl: esrl.noaa.gov/gsd/thredds/catalog.xml
HRRR V3 non-operational. Has wrfnat (all native 3d levels) and 2D
fields. This server has all the fields and more that are desirable (i.e.
TKE, fractional shallow cloud, etc). But, I cannot time aggregate the
individual grid times in IDV.
3) NOMADS server - Grads v2.0 Opendap - Accessing this through the
HRRR V2- operational. No 3d wrfnat (native levels). It does have 2D
fields for surface heat flux and latent heat flux among others. No units
defined in metadata! So, IDV does not play well when creating custom
grids and displays.
Any IDV users out there have solutions?
Walt Rogers