[idvusers] NSF Unidata's SSEC Server Has Been Shut Down!

Greetings all,

The NSF Unidata server hosted at the Space Science and Engineering Center
(SSEC) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (unidata3.ssec.wisc.edu) has
been permanently decommissioned.

Those who used the services provided by unidata3.ssec.wisc.edu should switch
to using the following alternate servers:


   - If you used:   adde dot ssec dot wisc dot edu
   - Switch to:   adde.ucar.edu

*IDD LDM Upstream*

   - If you used:   idd dot ssec dot wisc dot edu
   - Switch to:   idd.unidata.ucar.edu

*HTTP access to IDD Data*

   - Please use:   atm.ucar.edu

Please reach out to us at support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have any

NSF Unidata Support

Jennifer Oxelson Ganter                                                NSF
Software Engineer IV                                                   P.O.
Box 3000
oxelson@xxxxxxxx                                                 Boulder,
CO 80307

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