Hello all,
Well, weather.admin.niu.edu isn't stable yet (as far as I can tell), but
for those of you installing RedHat 7.2 from scratch to run LDM, McIDAS,
etc, 3 recommendations.
1. When you log out as root for the first time using X windows, SAVE THE
CONFIGURATION!!! You do that by checking a box on the logout panel
that pops up. That was a major hang up for me. If you don't, at least
on my monitor, X-windows wouldn't restart, no matter how many times I
played with Xconfigurator or the XF86Config file.
2. After you install 7.2, Go to Redhat or a mirror site and download the
new rhn_register and up2date programs. There will be two of each. Use
"rpm -Fvh *.rpm" in the directory you put them in as root to install them.
THEN, register it, (type "rhn_register") and then run up2date to get all
the patches downloaded and installed.
3. When you log in as root, check the box to save the configuration when
you log out under X windows!!! Just to be safe. After that, you're fine.
Do those, and you'll have a happy RedHat 7.2 install.
In case you're wondering, yep, I'm installing it for a supplemental new
machine to feed from. And LDM runs on it now just fine.
Gilbert Sebenste ********
Internet: gilbert@xxxxxxx (My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **
Work phone: 815-753-5492 *