Aeolus Stable

My ldm host ( appears to be running smoothly at this time. Stations normally feeding from aeolus may want to reconfigure back.
Per a request, aeolus is now relaying FNEXRAD data, if anybody else wants it.

Note to my downstream nodes: aeolus has been running smoothly for several weeks now. During that entire time, it has been running in debug ("Heisenberg") mode. I intend to leave it that way for now. When Heisenberg isn't on duty (I turn debug off), the ldm on aeolus tends to make periodic panic stops. No known reason.
I'm told that will likely be upgraded to a newer system 
sometime in the not-too-distant future.  I will let you know when/if that 
happens.  Perhaps we'll be able to give Dr Heisenberg some time off then.

-----===(* Climate's what we expect, but weather's what we get. *)===----- Larry Riddle : Climate Research Division : Scripps Institution of Oceanography
      University of California, San Diego : La Jolla, California  92093-0224
      Phone: (858) 534-1869 : Fax: (858) 534-8561 : E-Mail: lriddle@xxxxxxxx

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