To make sure it isn't our LDM I looked at our McIDAS
radar data which is beign written out from the SDI ingest
to disk via a socket connection and it is just as old.
-----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Masters
Cc: 'ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Sent: 6/12/02 5:08 PM
Our NOAAPORT SDI box is getting the data fine, the radars are on time.
Dr. Jeff Masters (jmasters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
( )
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On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> All of the data coming into our NOAAPORT receiver is very old, the
> problem
> is that radars are over an hour behind. Is anyone else seeing this?
> I checked a system at NSBF (my other job) which is on the IDD and it
> behind
> as well so it isn'r our SDI box.
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax
> Robert Mullenax
> Weather Systems Administrator
> Universal Weather and Aviation