Re: question about NEXRAD

Hi Tom and other LDM'ers,

For some clarification please see:

NNEXRAD ".*" will return all NEXRAD products from all stations..

FNEXRAD ".*" will return all the products from our "floater" sites (3-5)
that are focused on "interesting" weather

NMC ".*" is an alias for AFOS, NMC2 (CONDUIT hi-res model output), AND
NMC3 which is an alias for FNEXRAD..

So in response to your question, if all you desire is radar data from
regions where "interesting" weather is happening, FNEXRAD may be your
logical choice. Additionally, Steve Chiswell of Unidata, has created a 1KM
national mosaic that can be navigated and is quite nice. This mosaic is
also included in the FNEXRAD feed. 

Thank you,

____________________________                  _____________________
Jeff Weber                                    jweber@xxxxxxxx
Unidata Support                               PH:303-497-8676 
COMET Case Study Library                      FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln      Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________      ______________________

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, Thomas Don Aratari wrote:

> Hey Everyone..
> I am still a bit confused about "what is what" with the FNEXRAD / NEXRAD 
> / NMC feeds..
> I was wondering if someone can enlighten me on the difference between
> doing the following:
> For example, if I request:
> request NNEXRAD ".*" 
> request FNEXRAD ".*"
> request NMC     ".*"
> From what I understand, FNEXRAD and NMC are the same, correct?
> Also, I do not want all every station, just a few... but I would like to
> receive the "intersting" areas when active weather is occuring there.. do
> I then just do:
> request FNEXRAD ".*"    ?
> Thanks Everyone..
> Tom
> ------------
> LDM Admin 
> University of Michigan

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