Cornell may have to leave the IDD

Folks -- Cornell has been part of the IDD since it started ('94....'95?) and has been receiving and passing on terabytes of data all these years. However, by mid next year, we will probably have to drop out of the IDD system.

Cornell University is moving towards a pay-by-byte network cost recovery scheme. Given the data volumes involved in the IDD, we would be charged many thousands of dollars per month. There is no provision for providing service to the public or other universities.

The co-chair of the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences department will be meeting with the deans next week and would like to point out the harm that this policy will be causing the department and other groups.

If you feel that loss of the Cornell contribution to the IDD would be detrimental to your program, could you send a letter (on your departmental letterhead) to:

Susan Rhea, Co-Chair
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
1110 Bradfield Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

The meeting day has not been set yet but will be next week. Please send the letter as soon as possible. If you are going to send a letter, could you send me an email so I know to expect it.


Bill Noon
Northeast Regional Climate Center
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell University

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