Re: Recommended kernel for RH 7.3

Gilbert Sebenste wrote:

Is there a quasi-consensus for which kernel version to run (LDM/GEMPAK
decoders) with RH Linux
7.3.  It's a dual 1.26GHz PIII..should I use the SMP kernel of that version?


I had fantastic results with 2.4.13smp and up. No crashes whatsoever!
(running on a dual P2 450 MHZ machine).

I've heard some nasty things about the RH 8.0 kernel (2.4.18). There are some things at the low level that are missing and this causes some device oriented code to not work. This means it might be better to stay with 7.3 for some software. I don't think this is an issue with the LDM since the networking support is still there but its something to keep in mind.

For our NOAAPORT systems, we are unable to go to RH 8 because of these omissions.

Daniel Vietor               Mail: devo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Unisys Corp                 Title: Engineer/Meteorologist
221 Gale Lane               Phone: 610-925-5206
Kennett Square PA 19348     Fax: 610-925-5215

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