RE: Internet problems at UAlbany


> If 60% of all the traffic is still MP3 related then what is the point?
> Sounds like to me (as an outsider) that most of these implementations
> have mainly hurt the folks that have a legitimate use for the bandwidth
> (like the IDD)
kFirst, a couple of things. It isn't just mp3''s also videos. We 
have been slapped with as many as 7 RIAA warnings at NIU in one day, 
threatening to sue us if the servers aren't shut down. At our heating 
plant, at least one was hacked into and used as a KazAA server.

Second is freedom of speech. Yeah, I know. But unfortunately, faculty and 
staff pay ZERO for the service. The students and nobody but students pay. 
If they demand this or that, they get it. The only thing our techs can do 
is limit outgoing files from peer-to-peer servers. At one point, for about 
two weeks before NIU was able to shut it down, 90% of our traffic was 
hosting almost 30 full-length movie servers. Somehow, IDD data was making 
it through, but at times, it was a little behind.

The RIAA folks cited (how they did this, I don't know) NIU for multiple 
distribution points for the "Scooby Doo" movie back in September. Someone, 
somehow managed to get a great dub off of it and put it in a file.

Which is one reason why U's want to go to a "pay per byte" system.

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
Internet: gilbert@xxxxxxx    (My opinions only!)                     ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                 ***
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Work phone: 815-753-5492                                                *

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