Re: NOAAport down?

It was down here at SSEC too from about 0141 until about 0215.  On two
of our machines, I restarted the ldm and it restarted right away.  On
our third machine, I had a memory that ldm wasn't supposed to be running
on it, and while I was searching through our procedures and what not,
trying to figure out what to do, it started back on its own.

Douglas Ratcliff
UW-SSEC Data Center

Robert Mullenax wrote:
> Is NOAAport down?   I have seen nothing on our SDI for about 40 minutes
> and also note that there is not much on the Unidata IDD either (through
> my other job at NSBF/NMSU). I don't see any outage messages.
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax

SSEC Data Center            Email:  datacenter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
UW Madison                  Web: 
1225 W. Dayton              Phone:  (608) 262-0502 
Madison, Wisconsin 53706    Fax:    (608) 263-6738

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