Thanks, I hope to be able to look at these later this month.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 12:55 PM
Cc: 'ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
As long as the products are standard GRIB, then dcgrib2 will decode them.
You might have to update your parameter tables depending on their PDS
KKCI already has grib products in the data stream on grid "W" (which is #236
even though they use #255 with the GDS section) for icing potential. My
$GEMTBL/grid/gribkey.tbl entry is:
! AWC icing
007 8 191 255 data/gempak/model/awc/YYYYMMDD_icing.gem 10000
Depending on the model ID and parameter number that the products will use,
you might need to update the ncepgribX.tbl file and the gribkey.tbl file
(if you want dcgrib2 to automatically determine the file name and location).
Steve Chiswell
On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> Does anyone know if the turbulence potential grib products announced
> in the DM message yesterday are decodable/viewable by GEMPAK?
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax
> Robert Mullenax
> Weather Systems Administrator
> Universal Weather and Aviation