I have a little R&D (*cough play*) application I have been working on in
java. I would like to stream Iowa Mesonet (self promo) observations to it
in 'real-time'. So instead of writing a streaming server in java, I
thought (since I am lazy), why not use LDM?!?
Sooooo, is there a LDM client written in java where I can do something
like this?
LDMConnection ldm = new LDMConnection(...);
InputStream is = ldm.getStream();
while ((o = is.getNextProduct()) != null ){
Act on this product ...
Yeah, that is junky code, but you get my point.
I asked my best friend google about this topic and it didn't answer my
question. I saw a bunch of old pages suggesting that perhaps UNIDATA was
working on this at one time. I also vaguely recall seeing javadocs at one
time that seemed to implement LDM in java, but my memory is fleeting with
my old age!
And a second question, if I may, can LDM handle a couple thousand
connections? :) (I think my server/OS can!)
* Daryl Herzmann (akrherz@xxxxxxxxxxx)
* Program Assistant -- Iowa Environmental Mesonet
* http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu