Re: question for Linux gurus

> On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 00:12, Robert Mullenax wrote:
> > I have a new RH 8.0 Linux LDM box running here at NSBF/NMSU (my part time 
> > job
> > that used to be my full time job).  The LDM is running fine on the box, but 
> > I have an
> > OS (I think OS) related process running called kscand that is using most of 
> > what
> > little CPU is being used.  It uses a stead 1-1.9% with excursions up to 8%.
> > I have a fully patched RH 8.0.  I don't notice this when the LDM is not 
> > running.
> > 
> > Thanks and sorry for the slightly OT question.
> kscand is a kernel process that scans virtual memory assessing page
> usage.  The idea is to give each page in memory or swap a score as to
> whether its likely to be swapped into memory (high score) or out of
> memory (low score).
> You don't need to worry about it since its there to help make the OS
> more efficient in its memory usage.  IIRC, its always been there but now
> Linux shows kernel processes/threads in the process listing where it
> didn't in earlier versions.

Thanks, Dan.

Of course Solaris has managed to that quite well without having something 
that takes up CPU..but on the other hand Solaris 9 wouldn't install on this 
Dell so
it's a moot point.

> -- 
> Dan Vietor <devo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Unisys

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