We are using data from the ldm on our psuedo-awips workstation. I have
installed OB1 for our Warning Event Simulator, and Dan B. has found that the
raob netcdf files are needed for this version. I was told awhile back that the
plot files were all that was available via ldm, but maybe things have changed?
If anyone knows how to access the netcdf, I'd appreciate the info.
thanks much.
>From owner-ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 01 2003 Jul -0400 12:30:17
Date: 01 Jul 2003 12:30:17 -0400
From: Dan Vietor <devo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0307011001180.16795-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Gilbert Sebenste <sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Mee-YOW! New NOAAport goes to an earlier timetable!
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On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 11:02, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
> Yes, this may be redundant for many...but look out! 11 months from today,
> NOAAport as we know it will cease to exist. They pushed the schedule ahead
> by 3 months, at least...and starting September 3 of this year, the new
> NOAAPort comes online in test mode!
Wowa.. not so fast. The existing NOAAPORT configuration, minus GOES
West will still be available through early 2006. So don't throw away
your NOAAPORT systems too fast.
The BIG question is who in the commercial sector is going to build the
new systems. I suspect many will decide not to offer DVB systems. This
might be because off-the-shelf DVB systems already offer file and data
management back-ends. I'm not sure which direction NWS is going but if
they go this route, then for the cost of a $150 WinTV card, a user could
get NOAAPORT data.
My questions right now are whether an off-the-shelf WinTV card can
handle the new bandwidth of NOAAPORT-DVB. I'm curious to see what
direction this goes. We'll know more when NWS starts dumping DVB data
out on GOES West later this year.
Dan Vietor <devo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>