Re: Twio quick questions!


>Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 21:08:17 -0500 (CDT)
>From: Gilbert Sebenste <sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Twio quick questions!

The above message contained the following:

> 1. If I request IDS|HDS|DDPLUS etc on one line in my ldmd.conf, the data 
> will now come through just as fast as if I had broken up the feeds to use 
> the machine's IP or alternate addresses to get the data, right?

Not necessarily.  In a world with perfect TCP implementations, then yes.
Unfortunately, existing TCP implementations are not perfect and it is
often the case that two TCP connections, each requesting half the data,
can outperform one TCP connection requesting all the data.

This situation should change within a year as vendors switch to a better
TCP implementation (called FAST TCP).

> 2. Now that most folks are on 6.0.13, how does the topology data losses 
> look after the switchover? Better and by how much?

Judging from the latency plots, the data losses are much better (i.e.,
much less).  I couldn't give you a quantitative evaluation, however.

> Personally, I am very impressed with LDM 6.0.13. Rock stable with RedHat 
> Linux 9.0, all patches applied.

Thank you.  There's still some work to be done.

Steve Emmerson
LDM Developer

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