is back on-line. My apologies to all who were
inconvenienced by our outage.
We had a power failure a little after 0700Z yesterday. The Physical Plant
electricians assure us that, despite the fact that they can't figure out
what caused it, it shouldn't happen again anytime soon.
Not long after that outage was "cured", we suffered another power failure.
Physical Plant also does not know what caused that one. However, despite
not knowing what caused either of the power failures, Physical Plant now
assures us that (a) they weren't caused by the same problem and (b) it is
unlikely that it will happen again soon.
I used to think I was a pretty good jack-leg electrician, but I obviously
had that very wrong. I don't see anything in the explanations above that
make any sense to me. However, since these are all professional
electricians and I'm only an amateur, I just have to believe them.
However, I will keep my hand on my wallet and a lookout over my shoulder.
In any case, the FDDI unit running the fiber connection between aeolus and
meteora (some of you may remember meteora) failed to reboot after the
second power failure. Since meteora is the system file server for aeolus,
aeolus would reboot (as would meteora), but would go into some sort of
partial paralysis trying to NFS mount the system disk on meteora via fiber.
You could successfully ping aeolus via 100BaseT but the configuration
requires the meteora system disk to be mounted via the fiber link. They
tried to mount the system disk to aeolus via 100BaseT, but were
unsuccessful. So, nothing could be done until the manufacturer's field rep
showed up today with the required rituals, incantations, and sacrifices.
Since meteora is also my mail handler, I wasn't able to send out any
messages telling what the problems were.
-----===(* Climate's what we expect, but weather's what we
get. *)===-----
Larry Riddle : Climate Research Division : Scripps Institution of
University of California, San Diego : La Jolla, California 92093-0224
Phone: (858) 534-1869 : Fax: (858) 534-8561 : E-Mail: lriddle@xxxxxxxx