Re: .* was Re: FSL2 feed?

And to complete the chain, we have the following request line on
request FSL2|WMO|DIFAX  ".*"

--Bill Noon

On Thursday, September 25, 2003, at 08:04 AM, David Knight wrote:

     I thought  .*  by itself was OK on a request line.
It was only when the .* is followed by something
(i.e. .*\.windprofiler) that caused performance problems.
(instead of requesting for example .*\.windprofiler
we should instead request \.windprofiler which should
yield the same result)
Is this not correct?
Thanks for clearing this up for me. On some feeds we do request
.* and I want to make sure we're not making inefficient requests...

BTW, our request line for FSL2 reads
request DDPLUS|IDS|FSL2  ^[^a-z] PRIMARY
and fsl2 data seems to be flowing here.



I'm not familier with the FSL2 feed, nor have I been following this
thread closely, but I can confirm that Bob's regular expression is what
thelma is using to recieve the data:

request         FSL2 "^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\."    ...

".*" should give you everything on that feed, so I don't know why you're
not getting anything.  However, there's another issue wrt ".*" -
contrary to what one might think, it has been found to be extremely
inefficient and costly.   So, from that perspective, I would advise
using the expression above instead.


Robert Mullenax wrote:

That's when my upstream site stopped receiving data as well (Penn State).
Can someone at Unidata confirm that the request in ldmd.conf
shouldn't be:

FSL2 ".*" ......

but what is shown below instead?

Robert Mullenax

We made a change to the FSL2 FSL.NetCDF.NOAAnet.windprofiler
(and RASS) data processing on 9/22 at 14:47Z that I had hoped
would be transparent to y'all.

The change was to stop generating the netCDF files from BUFR
data sent from the FSL Demonstration Division (DD - the profiler
group in FSL) and begin just passing along netCDF files directly
from DD.

The key pattern for these data has changed slightly, which
might account for your not seeing them.  Namely, we have
dropped trailing ".*" from the strings.  However, I do see
that thelma and motherload are successfully requesting and
receiving the data as:

   FSL2  "^FSL\.NetCDF\.NOAAnet\.windprofiler\."

I should also mention that it looks like the units in the netCDF
files have changed slightly... sorry, I didn't catch that before
we made the switch.  I will need to work with the DD folks
to reconcile the differences.

Please let me know if you have questions/concerns.

      Bob Lipschutz
      NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory

Robert Mullenax wrote:
We here at NSBF/NMSU stopped receiving data from the FSL2 feed on 22 Sept
Is anyone else having this problem?

Robert Mullenax


I had word that they were doing some extended electrical work at FSL
today. That might be the problem.

Thanks. Yes I knew abou that (our main feed was affected also), but this ou
started before that.


James P. Koermer E-Mail: koermer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Professor of Meteorology          Office Phone: (603)535-2574
Meteorology Program               Office Fax: (603)535-2723
Plymouth State University       WWW:
Plymouth, NH 03264

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program
anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                  P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server

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