Re: "." vs. ".*" (was FSL2 Feed?)

Steve Emmerson wrote:

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:01:37 -0400
From: Chris Herbster <herbstec@xxxxxxxx>
To: Steve Emmerson <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: FSL2 feed?

The above message contained the following:
I took the comments in the pqact.conf file (from the recent releases) quite literally and use this on my box here:

request ANY "."

You must mean the LDM configuration-file (ldmd.conf) rather than the
pqact(1) configuration-file (pqact.conf) because the latter doesn't have
Next time please pay closer attention to what I'm thinking and less to what I type. (-:

At least I got the ".conf" part right.  (-:
Oops ..... and duh.  I better stick to listening.

Are there any data-products with an empty product-identifier?

I wouldn't know.
Just curious, but wouldn't it be difficult to process such a data element if it did have an empty identifier?

Steve Emmerson
Is there any difference in efficiency between "." and ".*" or are they essentially the same?

Heading back to my corner now .....



Dr. Christopher G. Herbster
Assistant Professor
Director of ERAU Weather Center
Applied Aviation Sciences
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.
600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-3900

386.226.6444 Office
386.226.6446 Weather Center

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