Personally I've kept with Debian after moving off of slackware. Really
dont like the "commercialization" that redhat has done with Linux. There
is no real support number, just newsgroups and email lists like linux I
think should be, and there is LOTS of support out there on the
newsgroups. IMO dont know why we need to pay for support :)
On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Arthur A. Person wrote:
It was brought to my attention today that RedHat is apparently dropping
support for it's free versions of Linux. This leaves us (and I'm sure
many of you) in a quandary as to what to do. The options appear to be
either to buy support (which apparently will be $150 per desktop, more for
servers) or switch to another vendor.
We will probably be forced to switch to another vendor, at least for
many of our desktops, because of the costs involved. I'd be interested in
any opinions anyone has as to preferences for other Linux distributions
and why. Also, are there any gotcha's with the other distro's as far as
running the LDM and gempak are concerned?
Arthur A. Person
Research Assistant, System Administrator
Penn State Department of Meteorology
email: person@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, phone: 814-863-1563
David B. Bukowski |email (work): bukowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Network Analyst III |email (personal): davebb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
College of Dupage |webpage:
Glen Ellyn, Illinois |pager: (708) 241-7655 |work phone: (630) 942-2591