Re: redirecting grib data


>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 20:47:49 -0500 (EST)
>From: "B. Cottrill" <cottrill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: redirecting grib data

The above message contained the following:

> I have a lab running LDM-5.0.8

First off, I strongly recommend upgrading to LDM 6.0 because it has
much better performance than LDM 5.  You would have to recreate your
product-queue, however.

We'd be happy to help if you're short of the resources necessary to 
do this.  We'd need to be able to log onto the relevant system as the
LDM user.

> and they have asked how to redirect the
> raw grib data of certain models to a file before passing through the
> GEMPAK decoder.
> I know that there is a script but I can not find it.
> If anyone has thoughts or examples for this it would be greatly
> appreciated.

You can do this either in parallel or sequentially.  The parallel
solution would have both a FILE entry and a PIPE entry.  You could not
depend on the order of execution.  The sequential solution would PIPE
the data-product to a program (which could be a script) that would
perform the steps in sequence.

> Thanks
> BC
> Bill Cottrill
> Weather Station Manager
> Florida State University
> Tallahassee FL 32306-4520
> Office: 850.644.8581
> FAX:  850.644.9642
> CELL: On request

Steve Emmerson
LDM Developer

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