pqact, Unix pipes on a PIPE action

Hi there,

Just started investigating LDM for use in our group for near real-time GPS 
data distribution and want to set up a Unix pipeline from my PIPE action 
in pqact.conf.  Can someone provide me with a syntax example?  I'm trying 
all sorts of combinations of the below:

EXP     ^(........\...)d\.Z$
        "uncompress  | crx2rnx - > /tmp/file.1"

Everything I try results in one form or another of  "No such file or 

Nov 14 16:31:19 pqact[20380]:                pipe: uncompress  | crx2rnx - 
> /tmp/file.1
            pipe_open: 3 20383
            pipe_prodput: 3 maui317b.03d.Z
            pipe_put: 3
                pbuf_flush fd 3   4096 block
                 pbuf_flush: wrote  4096 bytes
                pbuf_flush fd 3   4096 block
|.Z: No such file or directory
crx2rnx.Z: No such file or directory
>.Z: No such file or directory
/tmp/file.1.Z: No such file or directory
Nov 14 16:31:19 pqact[20380]: pbuf_flush (3) write: Broken pipe
Nov 14 16:31:19 pqact[20380]: pipe_dbufput: 
uncompress|crx2rnx->/tmp/file.1 write error

Only just started playing with LDM yesterday.  Like what I see thus far.  
Hoping someone can help me out.

Thanks very much in advance.

Michael Scharber

        Michael Scharber
        Scripps Institution of Oceanography
        Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
        8785 Biological Grade
        IGPP Room 4212
        La Jolla, CA 92037


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