Re: Decode/File data in two directories

  • To: Patrick O'Reilly
  • Subject: Re: Decode/File data in two directories
  • From: Ben Cotton [mailto:bcotton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
  • Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:23:50 -0600
This is what I was just going to say.  I do this all the time with multiple
entries.  It works fine.  I am sure the programmers out there have
a more esoteric and aesthetically pleasing way of doing it, but it's
real hard to mess up this way and real easy to change.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 12:48 PM
Cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


You can have multiple entries in pqact.conf for the same data.  For
example, I file my NNEXRAD data in one directory, but I also save the KIND
files in another directory for a student who works at WFO Indianapolis.
You can see how easily it is done...

#Save data from KIND
NNEXRAD ^SDUS[1-9][1-9] (KIND) .* /p(...)(IND)
        FILE    /project/ldm/www/ind_nid/%y%m%d%H%MKIND.\2
#Base Reflectivity, tilt 1 (.50 degrees)
NNEXRAD ^SDUS[1-9][1-9] (K...) .* /p(N0R)(...)
        FILE    /project/ldm/data/nids/%y%m%d%H%MK\3.bref1

I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but this is the simplest that I
know of.


Benjamin J. Cotton
LDM/Forecast Game Administrator
Dept of Earth and Atmos. Sci.
Purdue University

(765)743-6083   (502)551-5403

On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Patrick O'Reilly wrote:

> I am decoding/filing all HDS feed data in a ~ldm/data/gempak/model
> directory.  I am getting the full HDS feed.  I want to decode/file only
> certain few grids in a seperate directory, and have thought of a couple
> to do this, but wanted to see what others might be doing, as it's likely
> simpler than what I have in mind.  I imagine some of you are doing this
> exact thing.
> To summarize, I want to decode and send all grid data to
> ~ldm/data/gempak/model, but want to send a subset of this feed to another
> directory as well.  Anyone doing this and have suggestions?
> Patrick
> _______________________________________
> Patrick O'Reilly
> Meteorological Decision Support Scientist
> The STORM Project - University of Northern Iowa
> patrick.oreilly@xxxxxxx  ~  ph: 319-273-3789
> "No trees were killed in the making of this e-mail...however,
> a large number of electrons were horribly inconvenienced."

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