Chiz (and Pat),
Couldn't you also provide a path (using -e GEMTBL) to a different table that
would file the entries somewhere else?
>Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:36:04 -0700 (MST)
>From: Steve Chiswell <chiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "Patrick O'Reilly" <patrick.oreilly@xxxxxxx>
>cc: ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re:Decode/File data in two directories
>You do not need to use the global decoding pqact entry. I also provide in the
>decoders example, pqact entries on a per type basis. Also, if you provide a
>name, the gribkey.tbl is not needed. For example, to decode
>the ETA grids, I provide in the pqact.gempak_decoders file:
># ETA model output
># -------------------
># NOAAport ETA grids
># Grid #211 80km CONUS: ^[YZ].Q.*/mETA
># Grid #212 40km CONUS: ^[YZ].R.*/mETA
># Grid #214 47.5km Alaska: ^[YZ].T.*/mETA
># Grid #215 20km CONUS: ^[YZ].U.*/mETA
># Grid #216 45km Alaska: ^[YZ].V.*/mETA
># Grid #217 22.5km Alaska: ^[YZ].Y.*/mETA
># Grid #218 12km CONUS: ^[YZ].B.*/mETA
># Grid #242 11.25km Alaska:^[YZ].S.*/mETA
># Select any/all grids desired from [QRTUVYBS]
> PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib2_ETA.log
> data/gempak/model/YYYYMMDDHH_eta@@@.gem
>In the above, select which grids you want, and modify the list [QRTUVYBS]
>accordingly. The @@@ in the output file name will be replaced by the
>grid number found in the data. You can modify the path on the output file
>to anywhere independent of the gribkey.tbl entry.
>Steve Chiswell
>On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Patrick O'Reilly wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> We at UNI were having mail server problems yesterday, and seem to be
>> today, therefore none of your responses are getting through to me, I have to
>> read them from ldm-users archive. Anyway, Ben Cotton's reply about the two
>> file entries for one product in pqact.conf is adequate for data that you
>> simply file, but for the global grid data decoder I have:
>> # Global GRIB decoding action. Products stored maintained in
>> $GEMTBL/grid/gribkey.tbl
>> #
>> HDS|NMC2 ^([HOYZ]|/afs)
>> PIPE decoders/dcgrib2 -v 1 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib.log
>> -e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/GEMPAK5.6/gempak/tables
>> where the table in GEMPAK tells the ldm where to file and what to name the
>> data if I'm not mistaken. How can I tell the ldm in a similar entry to file
>> only certain types of data in another directory? I can figure out the
>> feedtype/reg exp in the first line, but the rest is not clear. Do I need to
>> pipe the subset of grids into a script of some sort? Thanks again for your
>> suggestions.
>> Patrick
>> _______________________________________
>> Patrick O'Reilly
>> Meteorological Decision Support Scientist
>> The STORM Project - University of Northern Iowa
>> patrick.oreilly@xxxxxxx ~ ph: 319-273-3789
>> "No trees were killed in the making of this e-mail...however,
>> a large number of electrons were horribly inconvenienced."
Clinton M. Rowe
Associate Professor
Meteorology/Climatology Program phone:(402)472-1946
Department of Geosciences fax:(402)472-4917
University of Nebraska-Lincoln crowe1@xxxxxxx