> Hi,
> I have a LDM 6.0.13 installed. I sent GEM products to many universities.
> I have started my LDM in the following way:
> ldmadmin start -v
> Here is a part of my log file:
> Nov 20 16:09:33 wxo-d1 measol(feed)[26002]: 19130 20031120160013.104
> GEM 000
> /home/wxofeed/data/dd/ldmfeed/CMC_GEM_reg_pn_sfc_2003112012_P24.grib
> Nov 20 16:24:46 wxo-d1 measol(feed)[26361]: 19130 20031120160013.104
> GEM 000
> /home/wxofeed/data/dd/ldmfeed/CMC_GEM_reg_pn_sfc_2003112012_P24.grib
> Nov 20 16:39:57 wxo-d1 measol(feed)[26703]: 19130 20031120160013.104
> GEM 000
> /home/wxofeed/data/dd/ldmfeed/CMC_GEM_reg_pn_sfc_2003112012_P24.grib
> Also, I know that the product CMC_GEM_reg_pn_sfc_2003112012_P24.grib has
> been received by many other client than measol because they have confirmed
> with me, but there is no lines indicating this in the log file.
> My questions are:
> 1) Why logging lines are not present for other clients than measol
> indicating that I have send the product to them?
> 2) Why measol have 3 lines (15 minutes apart) for the same product?
> Thanks
> Daniel Lemay
> ===============================================
> email: daniel.lemay@xxxxxxxx
> phone: (514) 421-7274
> ===============================================
> Services d'acquisition et de distribution des données
> Centre Météorologique Canadien - Environnement Canada
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> Canadian Meteorological Center - Environment Canada
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