>Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 16:45:47 -0500
>From: "Lemay,Daniel [CMC]" <Daniel.Lemay@xxxxxxxx>
>To: "'Steve Emmerson'" <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: Many instances of LDM on the same machine
The above message contained the following:
> Suppose that I'm in the following situation:
> -I want to be sure that my "clients" can only obtain the files that are
> intend for them. I don't want to rely on the fact they will choose
> themselves the subset of the feed I allow them. I know that I cannot insert
> a regular expression in my ALLOW statement to restrict what files they will
> have access.
That's an interesting situation (and one that I haven't considered).
Is it the case that each downstream site SHOULDN'T get the other's
data or that such feed-requests would merely be inefficient?
Steve Emmerson