I believe what you are looking for can be found on:
Look for:
Using GDRADR to create products
Creating a national radar mosaic
You need GEMPAK for this though. GDRADR is a GEMPAK program.
Patrick O'Reilly
Meteorological Decision Support Scientist
The STORM Project - University of Northern Iowa
patrick.oreilly@xxxxxxx ~ ph: 319-273-3789
"No trees were killed in the making of this e-mail...however,
a large number of electrons were horribly inconvenienced."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 12:44 PM
> Hey all:
> I'd like to try my hand at creating some Nexrad mosaics from NEXRAD data
> that I am acquiring from our Sat dish via LDM. Does anyone know any
> tools or information that would be helpful in learning how to do this?
> This probably isn't the correct group but I'm hoping that someone has
> tried (and succeeded) at doing this using LDM's EXEC feature.
> Thanks,
> Aaron Cline